Corteva, Inc
Corteva, Inc is part of the Materials sector. The company has a ESG Pulse of 0.92 which is calculated using alternative data outside of company disclosure to provide an 'outside-in' view on company ESG performance.
Corteva, Inc. provides agriculture products worldwide. The company develops and supplies germplasm and traits in corn, soybean, and sunflower seed markets. It also supplies products to the agricultural input industry that protect against weeds, insects and other pests, and diseases, as well as to enhance crop health. The company is based in Wilmington, Delaware. Corteva, Inc. is a subsidiary of DowDuPont Inc.
ESG Pulse
ESG Pulse is ranked on a scale of -1 (negative) to +1 (good). This is the average sentiment of all items that have been classified as material ESG'
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