Real-time ESG Scores

Exelon Corporation

Exelon Corporation is part of the Utilities sector. The company has a ESG Pulse of 0.91 which is calculated using alternative data outside of company disclosure to provide an 'outside-in' view on company ESG performance.

Exelon Corporation, a utility services holding company, engages in energy generation and delivery businesses in the United States and Canada. It owns nuclear, fossil, wind, hydroelectric, and solar generating facilities. The company also sells electricity to wholesale and retail customers; and sells natural gas, renewable energy, and other energy-related products and services. In addition, it is involved in the purchase and regulated retail sale of electricity and natural gas; and transmission and distribution of electricity, and distribution of natural gas to retail customers. Further, the company offers corporate governance support services, including corporate strategy and development, legal, human resources, information technology, finance, real estate, security, corporate communications, supply at cost, engineering, distribution and transmission planning, asset management, system operations, and power procurement services. It serves distribution utilities, municipalities, cooperatives, and financial institutions, as well as commercial, industrial, governmental, and residential customers. The company was incorporated in 1999 and is headquartered in Chicago, Illinois.

ESG Pulse

ESG Pulse is ranked on a scale of -1 (negative) to +1 (good). This is the average sentiment of all items that have been classified as material ESG'
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Traditional ESG data doesn't give you the full picture

Old style esg data
The old way
Reliant on company disclosure and analysts
Traditional providers such as MSCI and Sustainalytics rely on company disclosure - which happens infrequently. They employ armies of analysts to gather this data.
  • ESG data and scores are stale (every 6-12 months)
  • Low amount company coverage
  • ESG data is extremely expensive
  • ESG data is not always transparent/objective
Real time esg score in chart
The new way
Dynamic, real-time ESG data
Alternative data such as news, media, job postings, social media and others - allow us to extract signals from the 'outside-in' using AI and fully automated approaches.
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    Real-time ESG data
  • A check mark
    Unlimited coverage of public/private companies
  • A check mark
    Affordable software for analysis
  • A check mark
    Explainable, transparent ESG
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