Lamb Weston Holdings, Inc
Lamb Weston Holdings, Inc is part of the Food, Beverage & Tobacco sector. The company has a ESG Pulse of 0.99 which is calculated using alternative data outside of company disclosure to provide an 'outside-in' view on company ESG performance.
Lamb Weston Holdings, Inc. produces, distributes, and markets value-added frozen potato products worldwide. It operates through four segments: Global, Foodservice, Retail, and Other. The company offers frozen potatoes, sweet potatoes, and appetizers under the Lamb Weston brand name, as well as various customer labels. It serves retail and foodservice customers; grocery, mass, club, and specialty retailers; and businesses, independent restaurants, regional chain restaurants, and convenience stores, as well as educational institutions. The company was founded in 1950 and is headquartered in Eagle, Idaho.
ESG Pulse
ESG Pulse is ranked on a scale of -1 (negative) to +1 (good). This is the average sentiment of all items that have been classified as material ESG'
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