Newmont Corporation
Newmont Corporation is part of the Materials sector. The company has a ESG Pulse of 0.95 which is calculated using alternative data outside of company disclosure to provide an 'outside-in' view on company ESG performance.
Newmont Corporation engages in the production and exploration of gold, copper, silver, zinc, and lead. The company has operations and/or assets in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Peru, Suriname, Argentina, Chile, Australia, and Ghana. As of December 31, 2019, it had proven and probable gold reserves of 100.2 million ounces and land position of 68,300 square kilometers. Newmont Corporation was founded in 1916 and is headquartered in Greenwood Village, Colorado.
ESG Pulse
ESG Pulse is ranked on a scale of -1 (negative) to +1 (good). This is the average sentiment of all items that have been classified as material ESG'
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